2017年5月24日,第71届联合国大会一致通过关于“专业翻译在实现各国互联互通及促进和平、了解和发展中的作用”的第A/71/L.68号决议,将每年9月30日正式确定为国际翻译日(International Translation Day)。今年的主题是:Finding the words for a world in crisis(为危机中的世界寻求沟通)。ITD 2020: Finding the words for a world in crisisCelebrate International Translation Day (ITD) 2020 with our winning poster design for this year's ITD theme: Finding the words for a world in crisis.2020年国际翻译日的主题是:为危机中的世界寻求沟通,用我们的获奖设计海报来庆祝这个节日吧!Our profession has been pivoting rapidly to keep up with changing realities and expectations, and the importance of our work to ensuring clear information reaches everyone and overcoming language barriers – both global and local – has been highlighted in unprecedented ways this year.我们的职业一直在迅速发展,以适应不断变化的现实和期望。我们的工作,确保每个人都能获得清晰的信息并克服全球和本地的语言障碍,其重要性在今年以前所未有的方式得到了体现。pivot /ˈpɪvət/表示“(使)在枢轴上旋转(或转动)”,英文解释为“to turn or balance on a central point (= a pivot ) ; to make sth do this”举个:Windows that pivot from a central point are easy to clean.沿中轴转动的窗子容易擦洗。电影《奎迪》(Creed)中的台词提到:I can't pivot fast enough. 我转得还不够快。highlight表示“使引起注意,强调”,英文解释为“to attract attention to or emphasize something important”举个:The report highlights the need for improved safety.那份报告强调了加大安全力度的重要性。unprecedented表示“史无前例的,空前的;绝无仅有的”,英文解释为“never having happened or existed in the past”举个:This century has witnessed environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale.环境在本世纪遭到了空前的破坏。电影《星运里的错》(The Fault in Our Stars)中的台词提到:You are so busy being you that you have no idea how utterly unprecedented you are. 你太忙于做自己 都没有意识到自己是那么的令人心动。Translators, terminologists and interpreters provide crucial services both on the front line and behind the news in crisis situations, so let's celebrate our contributions amongst ourselves as well as provide the general public with information about our work.在危机情况下,笔译员、术语学家和口译员在前线和新闻背后都提供了至关重要的服务,因此,让我们为自己所做的贡献庆祝的同时也让公众了解关于我们工作的信息。terminologist表示“术语学家/专家”,英文解释为“A person who studies and uses terminology, especially in professional translation project management.”the front line表示“(战争)前线”,英文解释为“a place where opposing armies face each other in war and where fighting happens”举个:Tens of thousands of soldiers died on the front line.数以万计的士兵在前线阵亡。This year's ITD poster competition received a record of 46 entries. The winning design came from Liza Gunenko and captures the importance of unity and solidarity to counterbalance the looming crisis. More information about her is to follow soon on the FIT website and social media.今年的国际翻译日(International Translation Day, ITD)海报大赛共收到46份参赛作品,创下了记录。获奖的设计来自Liza Gunenko,她的作品抓住了团结一致以克服迫在眉睫的危机的重要性。关于她的更多信息将很快在FIT网站和社交媒体上公布。entry表示“参赛作品;参赛答卷”,英文解释为“An entry for a competition is a piece of work, a story or drawing, or the answers to a set of questions, which you complete in order to take part in the competition.”counterbalance表示“使平衡;抵消;弥补”,英文解释为“to have an equal but opposite effect on something so that it does not have too much of a particular characteristic”举个:The ugliness of the resort is counterbalanced by the excellence of the skiing.优良的滑雪条件弥补了这片度假胜地景致方面的缺陷。looming表示“(不希望或不愉快的事情)迫近的,逼近的”,英文解释为“(of something unwanted or unpleasant) about to happen soon and causing worry”如:the looming crisis 迫在眉睫的危机。Born in Russia, Gunenko lived for 8 years in Egypt, returning to Russia at the age of 18. She first began to study translation and interpreting and then undertook three-year vocational training in art and design after having been interested in drawing since around the age of 12. Following her art and design training, Gunenko has started taking commissions. Her main experience has been in logo and user interface/experience design as well as in creating illustrations and game assets.Liza Gunenko出生于俄罗斯,在埃及生活了8年,18岁时回到俄罗斯。她先是开始学习笔译和口译,然后在12岁左右就对绘画产生兴趣后,接受了为期三年的艺术和设计职业培训。随后,她开始接受委托(进行创作),专注于Logo和用户界面/体验设计,以及创作插图和游戏资源。commission1)表示“委托;请求”,英文解释为“a request to do a special piece of work”举个:She's just got a commission to paint his wife.她刚刚受托为他的夫人画像。2)表示“佣金;提成;回扣”,英文解释为“a payment to someone who sells goods that is directly related to the amount sold, or a system that uses such payments”举个:Is she paid a regular wage or is it on/by commission only?她拿正式工资还是只拿提成?This year, let us celebrate ITD as never before. Join together, while keeping a safe distance, in whatever way you can. Download the poster and share it to promote your celebrations.今年,让我们以前所未有的方式庆祝国际翻译日(ITD)吧。在保持安全距离的同时,尽你所能加入我们。下载海报并分享出去吧。To all our members, we say, stay safe. Working together, we will overcome the challenges ahead.我们要对所有成员说,注意安全。我们将共同努力,克服今后的挑战。Each year, translators, interpreters and terminologists celebrate International Translation Day on 30 September, the feast of St. Jerome. A unifying theme is chosen each year and a competition is held to design a poster for FIT members to print and use to promote the day and join together in celebrating our professions.每年9月30日,笔译员、口译员和术语学家都会庆祝国际翻译日。每年都会选择一个统一的主题,并举办海报设计大赛,供FIT成员印刷使用,以宣传这一天,共同庆祝我们的职业。feast表示“(宗教)节日”,英文解释为“a day on which a religious event or person is remembered and celebrated”如:a Muslim feast day 一个穆斯林节日。Jerome (/dʒəˈroʊm/), also known as Jerome of Stridon, was a Latin priest, confessor, theologian, and historian; he is commonly known as Saint Jerome. Jerome is recognised as a saint and Doctor of the Church by the Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Lutheran Church, and the Anglican Communion. His feast day is 30 September.哲罗姆,也译作圣杰罗姆,是古代西方教会领导群伦的圣经学者,以研究圣经和注释经文闻名,完成了圣经拉丁文译本《武加大译本》。In 2017 we achieved an historical milestone for all professional translators, interpreters and terminologists, with the 71st Session of the United Nations General Assembly unanimously adopting Resolution A/RES/71/288, recognising the role of professional translation in connecting nations, and fostering peace, understanding and development. In the same resolution, the United Nations General Assembly declared 30 September to be UN International Translation Day, celebrated across the entire UN network.2017年,第71届联合国大会一致通过了A/RES/71/288号决议,肯定了专业翻译在实现各国互联互通及促进和平、了解和发展中的作用。这对所有专业笔译、口译和术语人员来说是一个历史性的里程碑。在这一决议中,联合国大会宣布9月30日为联合国国际翻译日,在整个联合国网络中开展庆祝活动。unanimous表示“一致同意的”,英文解释为“When a group of people are unanimous, they all agree about something or all vote for the same thing.”举个:Editors were unanimous in their condemnation of the proposals.编辑们一致谴责这些提议。The board unanimously approved the project last week.董事会上周一致同意批准了这个项目。愿学翻译的你,节日快乐!假期愉快!LearnAndRecord2015年2月8日2020年9月30日第2062天每天持续行动学外语