
本文作者:刘解语,北大光华2017级IMBA作为一名审计师,刘解语在安永会计师事务所工作三年。在此期间,她顺利通过中国注册会计师考试和注册金融分析师的Level 3。她说,报考北京大学光华管理学院MBA国际班不仅仅是因为光华长期领跑国内工商管理教育领域,更重要的是光华MBA国际班立足全球市场,能够充分开拓学生的国际视野。国际班虽然只是北大光华的一个班级,但是却能充分代表北大的包容与多元化,在这里,你会发现精彩,找寻不同,爱上未知。跟着解语的文字,来感受一下北大光华IMBA的班级风采吧!“国际班都是外国学生吧?”“国际班也是全日制吗?”“国际班的学生英文都一定很好吧?”这是我做完自我介绍后最经常被提问的问题,作为来自18个国家和地区、四分之三的同学都是留学生的国际班大家庭的一份子,下面请允许我来向大家简单分享一下入学两周后的体会。漂亮得不像实力派我是在今年6月的新生见面会上加了IMBA class的微信群,身为一个非常八卦的人,这之后的一个生活乐趣就是看看今天又有几个新同学进来,过去打个招呼,以及点开头像仔细研究一番。得出来的结论是:以我这种平庸姿色,在我们班大概只能排到后段班吧。然后我就会自我安慰,没关系,这么有内涵的我,注定就应该是成为实力派的。直到我在开学当天班会上,我听到了班上每一个人的自我介绍,才发现大家居然都是一群颜值与智商齐飞的家伙。总之在我们班上如果想要以貌取人,会是一个错误的决定。选择大爆炸在光华MBA国际班学习绝对是选择恐惧症的噩梦,因为这里的选择实在太多了。除了6-7门以全英文授课的必修课以外,光华提供的选修课基本涵盖了我们以后就业目标的各个领域。从大方向讲,有财务、法务、投资、营销、创业和战略管理等等。从具体课程讲,授课的老师绝对是这个行业的资深大牛,譬如说管理会计这门课是由光华副院长、MBA&MSEM&MPAcc项目主任吴联生教授来授课,在华跨国公司管理与运营这门课是由光华MBA项目联合主任Paul Gillis教授来授课,私募投资这门课是由曾经担任阿拉伯Alwaleed王子(除巴菲特以外,全世界最有名的投资者)亚太区投资总监的Jeffrey Towson教授来授课。而且,北大十分重视对学生人文精神的培养,我们还可以选到能亲自上台表演体验国粹的京剧课,由太极拳宗师陈照森老师授课的太极课,以及学长学姐推崇备至的由来自北大哲学系、历史系、社会学系等各位大咖授课的人文精神和人文素养讲座。选择的爆炸性还体现在各种讲座、公开课、邀请函、讨论会议和社交活动上,如同国际班学生一样,北大光华的学生不仅有机会接受多元化的文化熏陶,也能共享光华为我们提供的社交平台,扩展自己的人脉。所以说,来到光华,需要认真学习的第一件事就是时间管理以及目标规划,不然非常容易被太多且太好的选择冲昏头脑。叛逆与传统很多人都觉得选择国际班的同学会是相对爱玩、松散、浮夸或者某种意义上叛逆的人,可是我真的很想说,我们非常重视传统。传统不像很多人描述的那么刚毅或者无趣的感觉,而可以是非常热情洋溢、充满活力的样子。譬如说,我们班在准备本次迎新晚会的时装秀节目时,由于还没开学,很多同学住的离学校很远,排练完到家已是凌晨,可是却从来没有人缺席。我想这是因为大家真的把国际班当成一个大家庭,一起朝着同一个方向前进。在此,特别感谢国际班参演的每一个人,没有你们就不会有这么精彩的节目,也不会有这么一个能让大家深度交流与了解的机会。又譬如说,我们班还承担了新生迎新晚会开场秀京剧表演的任务。之前京剧给我的感觉是遥不可及,可是在我近距离和京剧接触的这个星期,我才发现京剧之美是如此具有生命力和感染力。 和年龄不匹配的野心我们班共有41人,大家来自各行各业,从世界各地不远万里聚齐于此,是一种缘分也是一次逐梦旅程,我们选择相聚北大,是因为光华能够为我们提供足够的资源让我们可以冲击任何想去的地方。以下是对班上几位同学的采访记录Daniel Gallardo: I am from Argentina. I am an Industrial Engineer and I worked first in Logistics and then in the Supply Chain area. I founded an International Trade company here in China that currently does business between China and South America. I have chosen Guanghua School of Management because of its interest regarding Latin America and China’s influence in this region. I am here to keep strengthening the bilateral relationship between both countries and regions.Florent Geelhand: I am half Belgian, half French. I hold a Masters in International Business Law. I came to China during my year as an exchange student 3 years ago and have done internships in a Law Firm and at the Trade section to the E.U. delegation to China. I chose GSM because it is reputed as the best business school in China, I can be certain to receive a good education in order to understand well how businesses are working. For my future career, I would like to mix my knowledge in Business law, in Business and my interest in government affairs. A position in a Chamber of Commerce or in the Trade section of an embassy will be my dream.Fabian Zellinger: I am an Austrian, I hold a bachelor’s degree in business, finance, and economics from Bocconi University in Milan, Italy. From 2012-2015 I worked at Austria’s leading real estate investor and developer. My final position was assistant to the CEO. I chose the Guanghua-ESADE Dual MBA program because both schools are global top tier and the combination of gathering experience in both Europe and China will provide me with a large competitive advantage. Having a network here and understanding the dynamics of China will be critical in the next couple of years. After my MBA I would like to dedicate my work life to Hotel Developments.Scott MacArthur: I am from the United States and came to Beijing to work in 2013 as an ESL teacher. I am also the Vice President of an educational startup here in Beijing. Beyond my work life I am a musician with bands here in Beijing. I have played countless shows in Beijing as well as several in other Chinese cities. By pursuing my MBA at Guanghua I hope to develop the skills, knowledge and connections that will help me find a new career in the corporate business field, either working to help an American MNC enter into, or expand in China, or to do the same for a Chinese MNC trying to enter the USA’s market. I will also continue to help develop my startup as we expand in the future. Hwee Jun Lee: I am a Korean who has received education in Korea and in the United Kingdom, and has worked briefly back in Korea. I chose to come to China and study at GSM because of the prospect, opportunity, and future that China holds. With the importance of China to the world economy and market increasing by the day, to learn of its workings from the institution that is most renowned in the country would be more than just a priceless opportunity; and to meet and make contacts with a diverse, international pool of people, whom are likely to influence the world in the future is no less valuable, either.Tomoko Takahashi: I am from Tokyo, Japan. I have been working as a sales person in the overseas hydropower sales department at Toshiba Corporation in Japan for the past nine years. China is an important market for many industries but I am seeking for a new possibility for the hydropower business in China. I found GSM, one of the best institutions in the world, located in Beijing, where many people gather from all over the place with great ideas and insights, would best prepare myself to fulfill my goal. In the next two years, I would like to immerse myself in China and learn as much as possible. Mutita Karakit: I’m from Thailand. Previously, I worked as a credit analyst mainly focused on analyzing financial performance and providing financial solutions to Chinese companies in Thailand. The insights and unique experiences from different business backgrounds shared by the students from China and other countries will give me the chance to experience different things outside of what I am normally accustomed to. Moreover, I can learn international business experiences and innovative ideas from China’s business elites who drive their companies to go global. My career goal is to be a key senior executive who fully links the Thai banking industry to global businesses.After spending 11 years in Canada, I am now ready to move back to Beijing, the place where I grew up. Guanghua School of Management is the bridge that brings me back to my home country. Before my journey at Guanghua started, I felt excited, curious, and slightly nervous. What would life at Guanghua be like? Who are the people that I’m going to spend the next two years with? Before school officially started, by talking to other students from the wechat group, I realized that our class was like a small united nation – there were students from all around the world: China, Japan, Korea, Zimbabwe, the US… I was surprised by this cultural diversity of our class. This “extracurricular” education in ethnology has definitely allowed me to embrace diversity and better understand how the world works and how to deal with people despite cultural differences.I feel really lucky to have the opportunity to study, enjoy myself, and panic with this group of people for the next 2 years, and I truly believe that we will become lifelong friends. Technology and the economy in China have been growing rapidly. Therefore, I believe that Chinese citizens deserve better healthcare solutions, which gives me a great opportunity to introduce more recent and advanced healthcare technologies into the Chinese market. Without an excellent education, this career plan would be a fantasy. Guanghua’s MBA offers the best program that meets all my needs. I’m confident that Guanghua’s MBA program will provide the best way for me to resume my career in the pharmaceutical industry in China. Sophia Zhu: As a French-born Chinese, I grew up in an environment influenced by both Asian and European cultures. I attended the International French School in Beijing, I went back to France for a Master of Science in Management at ESSEC Business School and I am currently pursuing the Dual MBA Program with GSM which I believe is a unique experience that will help me fulfill my short and long-term goals of combining my multicultural background to my future career. In fact, I wish to make the most of my double culture by advising French companies interested in doing business with China and helping Chinese companies expanding abroad.除了在文章开头描述的那些问题,我知道我们在以后的人生中会遭遇更多质疑:“你念这个书,以后能做什么?”“念书花这么多钱,以后能挣回来吗?”“为什么不稳定下来,非要自己创业做什么?”“想去最厉害的那家公司是因为虚荣心作祟吧?”“如果做不成会怎么样呢?做成了又有什么意义呢?”我承认,我们想要的,可能往往算不上人人皆爱的通途,而是要经过不断的尝试、犯错和跌倒才可能看到光亮的曲径。我想,这是因为我们大大小小的理想,恰好都住在需要经过一段跋涉才能到达的远方。我相信,光华就是这条道路上的指南针。而我们,已经准备好了。北京大学光华管理学院国际MBA项目是注重中外学生融合的项目,全英文授课模式,以培养学生的跨文化沟通能力、立足中国而面向国际的领导和决策能力为目标。适合以跨国公司、国际组织或以开拓全球市场为目标的世界范围内学生报考。您可以通过以下方式了解北大光华国际MBA:电话: 86-10-62747009, 62747268, 62747289网站:http://mba.pku.edu.cn/english邮箱: [email protected] Linkedin领英账号(Peking University, Guanghua School of Management MBA):https://www.linkedin.com/company/9369718/


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